寫得好就能扭轉劣勢!遠距求職信 Cover Letter 的7大精髓

by Jelena耶萊娜
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大家有寫過情書(或告白)嗎?(如果有) 那你是否還記得當下的感覺呢?心臟會不會噗通噗通的跳?
你知道我們也有機會寫「情書」(Cover Letter 求職信) 給企業嗎? (也就是向心儀的公司、潛在的雇主告白)

寫得有誠意、有熱忱,搞不好還有機會能扭轉自己的缺點 (劣勢),加深對方的印象,進而提高被列入考慮人選清單中的機會!

所以,一如許多人會教大家寫情書/告白的撇步 (tips),
同樣也有許多人在教大家如何寫Cover Letter給想應徵的公司。

不過,今日本文要分享的是,哪些是Cover Letter應包含的「7大精髓」?

Cover Letter是什麼?

Cover Letter是一種求職信,通常會與簡歷或履歷表一起提供給公司。
有時會被要求將Cover Letter跟履歷表在各家公司的官網、指定招聘網頁或透過Email,

亞洲許多地區或華人公司 (包括台灣企業) 在招募員工時,並不會強制 (事實上並不常見) 應聘人士提供
Cover Letter,但是對於遠距工作求職者來說,Cover Letter應該會是常見的必備應徵材料之一。

學經歷都已成定局,Cover Letter寫的好不好有差嗎?

假設告白時只說幾句欠約誠意的話,或是很膚淺的說幾句 “因為你很漂亮…../ 因為你很帥,肌肉很大…./因為你很有錢可以照顧我全家……”,這種告白或情書的成功率是多少?

不過如果是Cover Letter,除非企業是你親友家開的,否則我們還是別冒險寫得太沒誠意,

(其實不少企業,尤其是大型企業,或多或少已在使用一些過濾求職履歷表的機制,海選留下的通常是有關鍵字符合篩選程序。儘管如此,Cover Letter還是會在某一階段佔有舉足輕重的地位)

Cover Letter的7大精髓

1. 開門見山,但引人入勝的開場白


2. 讓自己的技能與應聘職位產生關聯性


3. 凸顯獨特之處及自身價值


4. 展示對應聘公司的熱情

表達出為何想加入這家公司,並且展現出你對該應聘職位 (包含整個相關領域) 的熱情


5. 通篇Cover Letter簡潔明瞭

Cover Letter不宜太長,以免讓招聘人員失去閱讀耐性。

平均而言,若是以英文書寫的Cover Letter,長度最好介於 300~400 字之間 (一頁A4紙之內)。

6. 結構清晰留意格式

將Cover Letter分成3~4個段落,每個段落都分別能夠清楚地闡述自己的資歷、技能、熱忱和結尾。

7. 展現個性


融入7大精髓,利用ChatGPT寫出的Cover Letter範本

以下是融入了這7大精髓後,利用ChatGPT針對Project Manager、Reporter、SEO Manager這三個職務
寫出的Cover Letter範本。

在沒有提出具體的要求前,ChatGPT寫出的Cover Letter其實非常不同,


Cover Letter for Project Manager 範本

Dear Hiring Manager, (or Ms. XXX/ Mr. XXX)

I am writing to express my strong interest in the Project Manager position at [Company Name]. With a proven track record of successfully leading cross-functional teams, I am confident in my ability to drive projects to completion and deliver exceptional results.

In my current role at [Current Company], I spearheaded a high-impact project that resulted in a 30% reduction in production costs while improving overall efficiency by 25%. Through effective communication and strategic planning, I led a team of 15 members to meet tight deadlines and exceed client expectations. My expertise in project management tools and methodologies, such as Agile and Scrum, has consistently led to on-time project delivery.

Furthermore, I take pride in my ability to cultivate strong client relationships. In my previous role at [Previous Company], I successfully managed a key client account, increasing revenue by 20% within the first year. By leveraging my negotiation skills and deep understanding of client needs, I fostered long-term partnerships that generated substantial business growth.
I am excited about the opportunity to bring my leadership and project management skills to [Company Name]. My dedication to delivering results, combined with my passion for optimizing processes, makes me a valuable asset to your team. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your company’s continued success.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to discuss how my experience aligns with your needs in more detail.

[Your Name]

Cover Letter for Reporter 範本

Dear [Editor’s Name],

As a dedicated journalist with a keen eye for compelling stories, I am excited to apply for the Reporter position at [Publication Name]. My proven ability to deliver engaging content and break news stories makes me a strong candidate to join your dynamic team.

Throughout my tenure at [Previous Publication], I covered a wide range of topics, from investigative pieces to human interest stories. One of my proudest achievements was breaking an exclusive story on local government corruption, leading to a series of reforms and increased transparency. My articles consistently garnered high engagement rates, with an average of 50,000 views per piece.

I am well-versed in conducting thorough research and interviews to uncover untold stories. My ability to capture the essence of an event and present it in a compelling narrative format has led to increased readership and accolades from both readers and peers. I am also adept at adapting my writing style to suit different platforms, including online articles, features, and op-eds.

Joining the respected team at [Publication Name] would provide me with the platform to continue producing impactful journalism that informs and inspires readers. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my storytelling skills and dedication to ethical reporting to your esteemed publication.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how I can contribute to [Publication Name]’s commitment to excellence in journalism.

[Your Name]

Cover Letter for SEO Manager 範本

Dear Hiring Team (or Ms. XXX/ Mr. XXX),

I am writing to express my interest in the SEO Manager position at [Company Name]. With a track record of driving organic traffic growth and improving search engine rankings, I am confident in my ability to enhance your online presence and optimize digital performance.

In my previous role at [Previous Company], I led a comprehensive SEO strategy that resulted in a 40% increase in organic traffic within six months. By conducting in-depth keyword research and implementing technical optimizations, I successfully boosted the company’s search engine visibility and improved its position on key search terms. Additionally, I collaborated closely with the content team to create high-quality, SEO-friendly content that resonated with both users and search algorithms.

I am also experienced in leveraging data analytics to inform strategic decisions. By analyzing user behavior and performance metrics, I identified areas for improvement and implemented data-driven strategies that led to a 25% increase in conversion rates. My proficiency in SEO tools, such as Google Analytics and SEMrush, enables me to continuously refine campaigns for optimal results.

Furthermore, I am passionate about staying up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and algorithm changes. This commitment to ongoing learning has allowed me to adapt quickly to industry shifts and maintain a competitive edge. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my expertise in SEO strategy and digital marketing to [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing how my skills can contribute to your team’s success and drive measurable results.

[Your Name]

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